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Free disk encryption software for PCs and PDAs
(PDA version of WWW site)

Fault/Bug Reporting

Although FreeOTFE should be pretty stable and have no faults, it's always possible that you may find something not quite right. In these cases, it would be very much appreciated if you could email a fault report the address shown in the contact details.

If you have recently upgraded to a newer version of FreeOTFE, please could you ensure that you have followed the upgrade procedure exactly before reporting a fault. (See Installation and Upgrading from a Previous Version section)

When reporting a fault with FreeOTFE, please include as much detail as possible, preferably including as much of the following as possible (Note: Not all of the following may apply):
  1. What OS you're running under.
  2. Any service packs which have been applied to your OS.
  3. The FreeOTFE executable version (See the "Help | About..." dialog).
  4. The main FreeOTFE driver version (See the "Help | About..." dialog).
  5. Details of how the volume in question was created (e.g. the summary shown on the last stage of creating a FreeOTFE volume).
  6. The size of any volume file/partition involved.
  7. If using a volume file, the filesystem used on the drive the volume file is stored on (e.g. NTFS/FAT/FAT32).
  8. The filesystem the volume is formatted as (e.g. NTFS/FAT/FAT32).
  9. A copy of the CDB dump taken from any volume file involved (See "Tools | Critical Data Block | Dump to human readable file...").
  10. If a keyfile is being used, a copy of the keyfile and password used.
  11. A small test volume (e.g. 1MB) which can replicate the problem found (Note: Please do not email volume files, unless asked to! An FTP site is available for uploading these)
Some of the items listed above may include potentially sensitive data. In which case, feel free to omit that information - or better still, create a simple test case which replicates the problem, but doesn't include any such data.

Additionally, if you are having problems with the PDA version of FreeOTFE, please could you also include:

  1. The make and model of device you are using
  2. The exact version number of your OS, which can be found by:
    1. Tapping the "Start" button at the top left of your screen
    2. Tapping "Settings"
    3. Tapping on the "System" tab of the dialog displayed
    4. Tapping on the "About" icon; this will give full details of your OS version (e.g. v5.1.1702 (Build 14366.1.0.1))